Tag Archive: libia

Por nstor

“Ver en calma un crimen, es cometerlo” José Martí.

Por: Dr. Néstor García Iturbe
El Heraldo, 21 de octubre del 2011.

Ayer presenciamos a través de los medios de prensa las horrendas, dantescas y brutales escenas del asesinato del líder libio Muamar el Gadafi. Seguir leyendo

Fellow Africans, brothers and sisters of the media, today Africa is facing the most notorious gang of armed robbers in history. Africa is like the house. Libya is like the security door. US/NATO bombing is like the robbers using the concrete block to beat open the door. If they open up Libya with their bombing it will enable the armed robbers to enter with their weapons pointed at the entire African family. Their aim is to rob Africa at gunpoint with Africom and NATO, pointing their weapons at every African with their fingers on the trigger. In Africa the masses have discovered when the authorities fail to take decisive action against armed robbers they are usually getting something from the robbers and the masses themselves must organize and take decisive action to take out the armed robbers. It is time for mass organization and action!

Promoted by Rete No War and U.S. Citizens for Peace & Justice – Rome

Take just a few easy steps to send e-mails to non-belligerent members on the UN Security Council, calling on them to take a stand against the military intervention and to support and promote a negotiated resolution/peace.


Por Carlos Rafael Diéguez. B

Ante la indiferencia por la guerra en Libia en diversos sectores de la humanidad, se impone la denuncia y la lucha por detener estos conflictos. CondorCuba entrevistó en directo a Marinella Correggia Periodista, escritora, campesina y activista para la paz y la justicia ecológica. Nuestra entrevistada vive en las colinas de Italia central. Seguir leyendo

Tomado de Aporrea Por Por: Marinella Correggia (*)
Desde 1991, para el control del petróleo y para el monopolio geoestrategico , hasta hoy (hasta la fecha) se desarrollaron 5 guerras directas occidentales – con sus petromonarquias aliadas – para el petroleo y razones geoestratégicas de control. Acompañadas por una fuerte y bien organizada propaganda, en la cual colaboraron los gobiernos, los sectores militares, los medios: juntándose para dar una aparencia “humanitaria” y/o al menos “justa” a las bombas.